Thursday, May 3, 2012

Stay a while and have a cookie...

It's May.  May of 2012, to be precise.  That means Diablo III comes out in just a few more days!  The fiance and I have plans to hunker down for at least 48 straight hours and play the crap out of that game.  Witch Doctor?  Yes, pleeeease...

Which leads me to this post about a Diablo III cookie platter I created a couple weeks back.

Here are the focal cookies.  These things were big, about 6 inches worth of yum.  Tyrael is there on the left with the D-man himself on the right.

Here's the full platter in all its glory!  Soulstones at the top, quote cookies in the mid and logo cookies at the bottom.

Lots and lots of icing, lots and lots of fun!